Workspace Management
Member Management

Member Management

MindPal workspaces support three member roles - OWNER, EDITOR, and USER - each with different levels of access and capabilities. This guide explains how to manage your team members and their permissions effectively.

Member Roles


Full workspace control with unrestricted access:

  • Run, create, edit and delete all agents, workflows and assets
  • Full access to workspace settings and team management
  • Cannot be removed from the workspace


Agent & workflow creation with limited administrative access:

  • Run, create and edit all agents, workflows and assets
  • Can only delete items they personally created
  • Can view team members but cannot modify workspace settings
  • Perfect for team members who need to create and manage AI solutions


Restricted run-only access:

  • Can run agents & workflows but cannot create, edit or delete content
  • No access to workspace settings
  • Access can be controlled via Access Control Tags
  • Ideal for clients or team members who only need to use existing solutions

Access Control Tags

Access Control Tags help you manage USER members' permissions by:

  • Restricting which agents and workflows specific users can access
  • Setting AI credit limits per user per month
  • Grouping users with similar access needs

To create or modify an access control tag:

  1. Click the "New tag" button
  2. Set the tag name
  3. Select accessible agents and workflows
  4. Enable and set AI credit limits if needed
  5. Apply the tag to relevant users

Managing Members

To invite new members:

  1. Click the "Invite member" button
  2. Enter their email address
  3. Select their role (OWNER, EDITOR, or USER)
  4. For USERS, assign appropriate Access Control Tags if needed
  5. Send the invitation

For existing members, you can:

  • Edit their role
  • Modify their Access Control Tags (for USERS)
  • Remove them from the workspace
MindPal is a platform that helps you build AI agents & multi-agent workflows to automate business processes. Get started here!