Before diving into specific workflow configurations, it's crucial to understand how MindPal enables data flow between workflow steps through variables. This fundamental concept allows AI agents to work together effectively by sharing information across your workflow.
What are Variables?
In MindPal workflows, there are two types of variables:
- Human Input Value Variables: Values that users provide in the input fields of your Human Input Nodes
- AI Step Output Variables: Results generated by AI agents in previous steps of your workflow
These variables form the backbone of data flow in your workflow, allowing you to create dynamic and interconnected agent interactions.
How Variables Work
The magic happens during workflow execution. When you run a workflow, MindPal automatically replaces these variables with their actual values:
- Human Input Value Variables get replaced with the values human users provided in the input fields of your Human Input Nodes
- AI Step Output Variables get replaced with the actual results generated by previous AI steps
This replacement process ensures that each AI agent in your workflow receives complete, context-aware instructions with all the necessary information from both human inputs and previous AI responses.
Configuring Variables
Here's how you can add variables to your workflow steps:
Human Input Value References
- Press the "@" key in input fields
- Select the human input field you want to reference
- The variable will be highlighted in purple when properly configured
AI Step Output References
- Press the "#" key in input fields
- Choose the previous AI step whose output you want to reference
- The variable will be highlighted in green when properly configured
Important Note: When configuring variables in MindPal, a variable is only successfully configured if it is highlighted. Human input values will be highlighted in purple, and AI step output references will be highlighted in green. Refer to the following screenshot to see how a successfully configured variable looks like.
You can only reference human inputs and AI steps that occur before the current step. If you try to reference a step that occurs after the current step, your step will not run as it won't have the necessary information.