Workspace Management
Interface Customization

Interface Customization

The interface customization settings allow you to personalize your workspace's appearance and branding. You can access these settings by going to Workspace SettingsGeneral tab.

Workspace Name

You can set a custom name for your workspace. This name will appear in the navigation and workspace-related elements. Note that your workspace will still be accessible through MindPal's domain (

Workspace Icon

You can customize your workspace's icon by providing a URL to your desired image. This icon will be displayed in various places throughout the interface, including the navigation bar and favicon.

Theme Color

Choose a theme color that matches your brand identity. The selected color will be applied to various UI elements across your workspace to maintain consistent branding.

MindPal Branding

You have the option to remove MindPal branding from your workspace interface. This setting affects how the MindPal logo and name appear within your workspace.


These customization options apply only to your team workspace's interface. They do not include custom domain functionality - your workspace will continue to use the MindPal domain (

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