Multi-Agent Workflow
Gate Node

Gate Node

Need to make sure your workflow only proceeds when certain conditions are met? That's where the Gate Node comes in. It acts as a smart gatekeeper, evaluating conditions and deciding whether to let the workflow continue or stop it in its tracks - perfect for controlling costs and ensuring quality in your AI workflows.

What is a Gate Node?

A Gate Node is a specialized component in MindPal's Multi-Agent Workflow that:

  1. Evaluates specific conditions based on defined logic
  2. Decides whether to allow the workflow to continue
  3. Stops the workflow immediately if conditions aren't met

This creates an efficient system for controlling workflow progression and managing AI credit consumption.

When to use a Gate Node?

Consider using the Gate Node when:

  • You need to validate inputs before proceeding with expensive operations
  • Quality checks are required before continuing the workflow
  • Cost control is essential for your AI operations

Here are some common scenarios where Gate Node excels:

Input ValidationEnsuring all required information is valid before proceeding with complex processing
Quality ControlChecking if generated content meets specific quality criteria before proceeding to distribution

How a Gate Node Works

The Gate Node operates through a systematic process:

  1. Receives input that needs to be evaluated
  2. Uses the configured agent to assess the conditions
  3. Makes a binary decision: continue or stop
  4. Either allows the workflow to proceed or terminates it immediately

Configuring a Gate Node

To set up a Gate Node, you need to configure these essential components:

1. Agent Selection

Choose the agent that will evaluate the conditions:

  • Select an agent with appropriate analytical capabilities
  • Ensure the agent understands your evaluation criteria
  • Can be left blank if the evaluation is simple and doesn't require a specialized agent

2. Decision Logic Setup

Define the logic for the continuation decision:

  • Specify clear conditions that must be met
  • Write precise instructions for evaluation
  • Use variables to reference inputs or previous node outputs if needed
  • Include specific criteria for both continuation and termination

Gate vs. Router Node

When dealing with workflow control based on conditions, you might wonder whether to use a Gate Node or a Router Node. Here's how to choose:

When to useGate NodeRouter Node
Primary PurposeMake a binary decision: continue or stop the workflowDirect workflow to different paths based on input type
Decision TypeYes/No decisionMultiple possible outcomes
Flow ControlCan terminate the workflowAlways continues the workflow, just through different paths
Use Case ExampleIf you have a web page audit workflow that can process 2 types of pages (landing page and ecommerce product page), force stop if it doesn't belong to either typeAlso a web page audit workflow, but you direct the input to different evaluation agents (one optimized for landing pages and the other for ecommerce product pages)
ImpactPrevents unnecessary resource consumption by stopping earlyOptimizes performance by ensuring proper specialist handling
MindPal is a platform that helps you build AI agents & multi-agent workflows to automate business processes. Get started here!